Rydstrom Law Passion to Perform 20 Years of Passionate Legal Representation Business, Real Estate & HAMP Mod Litigation, Estate, Wealth & Asset Protection
VSO / Settlement / ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Services
Richard Rydstrom, Esq. is a VSO (Voluntary Settlement Officer) for all California County Courts in Los Angeles. He serves the court’s of Los Angeles to help settle cases and lessen the case load and costs of the courts.
James M. McKanna, Esq. ADR Services says the following about Richard Rydstrom, VSO:
“I was very impressed with your preparation, tenacity, and skill ... I learned how to fine tune my ADR skills by virtue of watching you in action.”
Special Emphasis in:
Homeowner Foreclosure Litigation
HAMP Modification Litigation
Personal Injury
Auto Truck Accidents
Construction Accidents
Real Estate
Civil Business & Contract Litigation
Construction (Complex) Litigation
Non Disclosure, Non Competition & Trade Secret Disputes
Wrongful Employment Termination
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2011 CA Attorney Richard Rydstrom OC Top Attorney OC Metro Click Here
2010 OC Metro OC Top Attorney Award The Legal Eagles Richard Ivar Rydstrom, Esq. OC’s Top Attorneys
AFN/CMIS Mortgage Foreclosure Banking DC Summit July 18-21
About Attorney Richard Ivar Rydstrom:
With more than 21 years of legal experience, Rydstrom is rated Superb, 10 out of 10 by Avvo – the world’s largest rating directory of lawyers. He has vast experience representing plaintiffs, defendants, homeowners and mortgage banking institutions. Richard is considered a national expert by the mortgage banking industry. When the U.S. Treasury was establishing national policy on mortgage modifications and foreclosures for President Obama’s Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), Rydstrom served on the official working groups with the American Legal & Financial Network (AFN), MBA, consumer groups and banking institutions. When the 110th Congress wanted a neutral analysis of the predictive mortgage finance meltdown, Rydstrom was chosen to give an official Statement to the House Ways & Means Committee. When the AFN wanted to educate its mortgage banking servicers on the U.S. Treasury’s first HAMP outline, they chose Rydstrom.
Mr. Rydstrom has been quoted or published by:
110th Congress of the United States, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today Magazine, AIR Commercial Real Estate Association, Constructor Magazine for the American General Contractors Association, MortgageOrb, Mortgage Daily News, The American Legal& Financial Network, Orange County Register, Tax.org, National Business Institute, CMISfocus Magazine, Pepperdine University (Law, Business Journal), Society of California Accountants, Landlords and Real Estate Owners associations nationwide, and others. Richard is published or quoted by the national mortgage press and media continuously.
Mr. Rydstrom is a California attorney for over 20 years. He is published by Congress, published or quoted in the national and regional media many times, and enjoys the reputation of a legal gladiator. He is a national expert and keynote speaker in the mortgage banking and foreclosures industry. He has represented or litigated for plaintiffs and defendants, banks and homeowners. He has represented numerous clients in need and understands the personal struggle that many good people find themselves in during these troubling economic times. He has extricated clients from potential million dollar judgments. He has protected clients facing judgments with legal asset protection exceptions found in the law, and known to few attorneys, outside of this discipline.
Some significant distinctions include:
•Published in a Statement to the 110th Congress, House Ways & Means Committee, Chairman Charles Rangel •Considered a national expert in mortgage banking and related foreclosures •Honorary member of the American Legal and Financial Network (AFN) •Chairman of CMIS (Coalition for Mortgage Industry Solutions) •Member of the HAMP Policy Working Groups (AFN, Treasury, etc.) •CLE speaker and educator for attorneys, judges, banks, servicers, accountants and financial advisors for the National Business Institute (NBI) •Frequent keynote speaker, panelists, and moderator at national conferences and webinars including the AFN, NBI, CMIS, CMBA •Voluntary Settlement Officer (VSO) for all Los Angeles courts
Free Initial Consultation: Call (949) 678-2218 or email